Banner / Reset your password


  • To provide instruction on updating your Banner password when:
    • You have lost or forgotten your Oracle password
    • You need to change your Oracle password
    • When you try to reset your Banner password, you receive a Profile does not allow change message
    • You are unable to change your Banner password


  • 10307: Oracle Password Utility
  • Banner


  1. Go to our Oracle Password Utilities page and follow the prompts to change your password
    • Unlike MUNet passwords, Oracle passwords do not require or allow a non-alphanumeric character such punctuation marks; only letters and numbers are permitted
  2. If you are unable to change your password, contact IT Help by phone at 513-529-7900 or by live chat session at to request assistance
  3. Provide the following information:
    • Your UniqueID
    • The error you received when you attempted to change your Banner password


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Article ID: 19028
Mon 11/28/16 11:42 AM
Thu 10/19/23 12:49 PM
Can you resolve this issue yourself?
Yes! This is self-service with a smile.