Miami Email / Troubleshoot inactive account error when accessing email

Tags RI


  • To provide troubleshooting tips on accessing your Miami email when:
    • Your account gives you an inactive account message when you try to log in to your email


  • 1388733: RapidIdentity (RI)
    • MUnet Password Utilities (RI)
  • 10262: Gmail (email e-mail)
    • Miami Email
  • Security
  • UniqueID


  1. Make sure that you are using the correct UniqueID and MUnet password
  2. Go to our MUnet Password Utilities (RI) tool and follow the prompts to change your password
    • If you have forgotten your password, use your SMS or email recovery options to reset it
  3. After you change/reset your password, try to log in again
  4. If you are still unable to log in, contact IT Help by phone at 513-529-7900 or by live chat at and describe the error that you received


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