Procedure: TDX / Request review and revision of an outdated diagram


  • To provide instruction on completing a ticketed request for the review and revision of an outdated physical or logical data flow diagram


  • MUIT Solver Team Member
  • MUIT Business Analyst


  • 10374: TeamDynamix (TDX)
  • 1407771: Lucidchart


  1. Open TDX and select the IT Tickets tab
  2. Select +New
  3. Select the Standard Incident ticket from the drop-down
  4. In the new ticket, click in the Template field and select Diagram Review from the drop-down
  5. In the Requester field, enter and select your name
  6. In the Title field after Diagram Review:, enter the name of the diagram to be reviewed and revised
  7. In the Description field, enter the full name of the diagram and the URL to the Visio or Lucidchart diagram file
  8. In the Asset/CI field, enter and select the asset of the application
  9. Click the Save button
    • This will send the ticket to KM for review and assignment
  10. KM: In the Responsible field, enter the name of the Owning Acct/Dept
    • This will most likely be one of the following:
      • East
      • Iterators
      • Optimizers
      • Sharks
      • Small Work Team