Procedure: Lucidchart / Store and share a diagram


  • To provide instruction on securely storing an active physical or logical diagram


  • ISO (Security) considers physical and logical diagrams to be confidential documents, which must be securely stored and made accessible only to the IT staff that needs to use them
  • ISO preference is that there is no PDF of a physical or logical diagram stored in the TDX asset record
  • Google Drive offers secure, encrypted file storage that uses organizational permissions to limit access to confidential data


  • Licensed MUIT Staff


  • 1407771: Lucidchart
  • 10374: TeamDynamix (TDX)
  • 10259: Google Drive


  1. Open your diagram in Lucidchart
  2. Click the File tab and select Export from the drop-down menu to save your diagram as a PDF
  3. Be sure to name the PDF of your diagram following this format:
    • [Application] [(Asset number)] [Physical / Logical] [Creation date]
    • Example: Lucidchart (1407771) Physical 03.26.2024
  4. Upload the PDF to the appropriate folder in the Google Drive space, Application-System Representations
  5. Right-click on the PDF and select Share from the drop-down menu
  6. Select Copy link to duplicate the file link
  7. Open TDX and select the IT CMDB tab
  8. Locate and open the asset record for the application
  9. Paste the copied link to the Diagram link field
    • You can add as many as 10 links to the text field


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