Canvas / New Quizzes


  • To provide instruction on enabling New Quizzes in Canvas


In the current integration version, Proctorio-enabled exams can be successfully launched from the Quizzes or Assignments page, but Canvas New Quizzes are unsupported when launched from a Module. Therefore, it is recommended that Canvas New Quizzes only be launched from Quizzes or Assignments. Proctorio and Canvas are working to get this issue resolved (1/8/24).

  • Classic Quizzes is the original quiz tool found in left navigation as Quizzes. For the time being, if you need security from third-party tools, Speedgrader, or CSVs for student response analysis, this is the better choice
  • New Quizzes is the new quiz tool. This has more question types like hot spot, categorization, matching, and ordering. It also has more moderation and accommodation features. Questions can be added to a bank within the question


  • Canvas Instructor


  • 10185: Canvas
    • Courses


  1. New Quizzes can be enabled in Canvas by going to the course settings
  2. Go to Feature Options
  3. Click on the red circle
  4. Select Enabled
    • Once enabled, the teacher role can select Classic Quizzes or New Quizzes option


Review the Canvas Guides for specific features



  • Miami Online offers Canvas training
    • Office hours and support will be offered throughout each term. Look for an announcement in Canvas and an email to all faculty.
    • Resources for using technology. guides, and best practices can be found on the Miami Online website
  • Visit the Canvas Status Dashboard to check performance information for Canvas services
  • Instructure provides up-to-date instructor documentation and instructions for Canvas