Procedure: Access Network / Resident hall student room access


  • To provide instruction and guidelines for resident hall student room access


  • Network Infrastructure Services personnel
  • T&M Contractors


  • Student room access
  • 9583: Access Network


Respond to a request for service

  • Contact the student through the TeamDynamix ticket that initiated the request for service, although sending a text message is also permitted and works well. Record all correspondence in the ticket
  • Indicate the type of planned service (e.g. replacing an access point) in the message 
  • Ask for the day and time for the scheduled service, and if they plan to be present or away.

Note: Most residence hall rooms house two students, so they may choose a time in the afternoon where they are both available


Advise students for scheduled service

  • IT Services may advise student(s) for scheduled maintenance for large-scale or immediate issues
  • Student must be made aware 24 hours or more in advance
  • To locate students residing in specific rooms, log in using this link (permissions managed by Campus Services).  
    • On the sign-in page, click MiamiOH Starrez Staff SSO
    • Go to the Main tab and use that to search. You want to filter the Entry Status to In Room to know who is actually in the room currently
    • You can then filter as needed on that Main tab
  • Must use the Preferred Name when communicating with students (may need to add the view to the column)
  • During summer months, resident rooms may be unoccupied. To confirm, Starrez will indicate the status as Scheduled.  No advanced notifications are needed for unoccupied entry, although all Entry Guidelines indicated below must be followed


Entry guidelines

  • Do not enter a resident hall building until 9:00 AM or after 6:00 PM, unless for emergency-only purposes
  • If using elevated privileges for room entry, provide a descriptive and informative message describing your purpose for entering. Resident students will receive this message when when you enter any room using elevated privileges
  • Always visit with two people (including if T&M contractors are used) for the service while entering a student room
  • Both people should go to the room together. Prop open the door wherever possible
  • If they plan to be present, knock on the door several times, announce your name and department and "for Maintenance"
  • If they plan to be away, knock on the door several times, announce your name and department and "for Maintenance”
    • After two attempts, open the door and prop it open


For T&M contractor providing service

  • If the students don't want to be there when performing maintenance, the contractor must contact the Operations Center to have their Miami ID card activated/elevated privileges for the specific building and student room. The T&M contractor needs to follow all procedures and guidelines indicated above


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