myMiami / Post an announcement


  • To provide instruction on creating and posting an announcement to myMiami (OneCampus)


  • Select members of the myMiami community can post announcements to the main page (either in a top carousel or a sidebar on the front page). These announcements are for things like important campus news, campus alerts, and key deadlines in a student’s academic journey
  • Please note: Global announcements should only be for things like news, alerts, and key deadlines. General events should be posted in the University events calendar


  • Miami University communicators in charge of sending announcements for their divisions


  • 1097993: myMiami (OneCampus)


  1. Log in to myMiami
  2. In the login menu, select Administration
  3. Select Tasks
  4. Select Announcements
  5. Select Add announcement
  6. Choose whether the announcement should be visible only in a Task/Task Center, or if it is a Global announcement
    • An example of a global announcement would be IT Services work done on the Wi-Fi service on any of Miami’s campuses, as it is something that impacts everyone
    • An example of a targeted Task or Task Center announcement would be if Canvas had an outage, an announcement could be placed directly on the Canvas Task in myMiami. This announcement would pop up when users click the Task to alert them to the outage
  7. Fill out all fields
  8. Select Save



  • Contact the Communications and Customer Advocacy group ( to be added to the announcement group in the admin side of myMiami


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