myMiami / Select your campus and role


  • To provide instruction on selecting the correct role and campus in myMiami


  • Miami University Community


  • Miami community members can self-select the campus (Hamilton, Middletown, or Oxford) and role (Faculty, Family, Graduate Student, Staff, Student, Undergraduate Student) that best fit your Miami identity. This allows you to tailor the content in myMiami to your role and gives you the most relevant information


  • 1097993: myMiami (OneCampus)


  1. Log in to myMiami
  2. In the login menu, select Campus & Roles
  3. In the drop-down menu, select your main campus: Hamilton, Middletown, or Oxford
  4. Select the role that best fits with your current position at Miami: Faculty, Family, Graduate Student, Staff, Student, Undergraduate Student
  5. Select Apply Filter



  • If you wish to see the content shown for other roles, you can simply select any of the others in the Campus & Roles screen. You are the arbiter of what you see in myMiami


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