Canvas / Manage quiz settings for assignment, date, time limit


  • To provide instruction on how quizzes can be assigned to different students, different dates and times, and different time limits


  • Canvas Instructor


  • 10185: Canvas


  • Some students need additional time or attempts to complete quiz based on an accommodation
  • Some students are taking the quiz at a different time


  • If you have a student or several students who need more time on a quiz and have set a Time Limit and an Until Date for your quiz you will need to assign the quiz specifically to those students needing additional time, follow the steps below. If you are not setting an Until Date but are setting a Time Limit then you need to only do Step 2. 

Example: Quiz #1 is set for 60 minutes but you have students who get time and a half for a total of 90 minutes. You are giving the students a specific time to start and stop the quiz. You set a hard stop - Until Date for the quiz to end and submit the student’s entries even if they are not yet finished


Step 1

  1. After setting up the Assign section for the quiz for all students click the +Add at the bottom of the Assign to box
    • Another Assign to box will appear
  2. In the new box, enter the first few characters of the student’s name to summon a list of students names matching those characters
  3. Click the name of the student to place the name in the assign to box
    • To add more students for that same time and date setting, click outside the box containing the student’s name and repeat: Enter the first few characters of the student’s name to summon a list of students names matching those c
  4. If students need more time, you must enter the Until Date at the latest time you are willing to allow students Canvas will submit the quiz


Step 2

  • In addition to the Assign to settings, you will also need to allow additional time for the quiz using the Moderate this Quiz
  1. Publish the quiz first and then click on it (do not click Edit); on the right side you will see the Moderate this Quiz button
  2. Click the  pencil icon to the right of the student name if you have only one student to moderate.
    • Check the box to the left of each student name, if you have more than one student to moderate
    • If more than one student name is checked, click the Change Extensions for # Students Selected link at the bottom of the list of students
  3. Enter the extra time allowed for the student(s) and save
    • Remember: The students already have the same time as the other students; you are just adding the additional time
  4. Save
    • The extra time allowed to each student will appear just below the name in the list



  • Miami Online offers Canvas training
    • Office hours and support will be offered throughout each term. Look for an announcement in Canvas and an email to all faculty.
    • Resources for using technology. guides, and best practices can be found on the Miami Online website
  • Visit the Canvas Status Dashboard to check performance information for Canvas services
  • Instructure provides up-to-date instructor documentation and instructions for Canvas