e2Campus / Validate my account



  • To provide instruction on validating an e2Campus account


  • 10230: e2Campus (Omnilert)
    • Miami Emergency Text Messaging System
  • Emergency Alerts


  1. Go to the Emergency Text Messaging Systems page 
  2. Click the Login to Omnilert  button
  3. Locate the Invalidated banner above your telephone number 
  4. Enter the four-digit code in the box provided and select the Validate button 
    • If you do not receive or misplace the code, click the Resend Validation SMS link
    • When the message Code Successfully Validated and an Active banner appears, your phone has been validated
  5. A four-digit code can be sent to your secondary email account
  6. Locate the message in your secondary account and enter the four-digit code to validate your email




Article ID: 6633
Mon 6/8/15 10:09 AM
Wed 6/12/24 11:10 AM
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Yes! This is self-service with a smile.
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