Desk Phone / Forward calls



  • To provide instruction on forwarding calls on a Cisco VoIP desk or soft phone.
  • To provide instruction on forwarding calls via the Cisco Self Care portal


  • 10716: VoIP
    • Desk Phone
    • Cisco IP Phone
  • 701078: Unified Communications Self Care Portal


Forward calls via phone keypad

Forward calls to another location

  1. Press the CFwdAll softkey
    • You will hear two beeps and see a blinking cursor in the LCD display
  2. Enter the University extension number OR enter the external number to which you want your calls forwarded
    • External numbers must be local numbers preceded by '88' (example, 88-513-555-5555)
    • forwarding calls to long distance phone numbers is not possible.


Forward calls to voicemail

  1. Press the CFwdAll softkey
    • You will hear two beeps and see a blinking cursor in the LCD display
  2. Press the Messages (envelope) button to forward your calls to voicemail


Cancel call-forwarding

  • To cancel call forwarding, press the CFwdAll key again



  • Softkeys are the buttons across the bottom of the LCD screen. Labels are above the buttons and change as you navigate different windows and options. To see additional options during a call, press the button on the right side of the LCD screen. The CFwdAll softkey is available when you are not on a call and your phone is not ringing
  • To change or set up call-forwarding when the line is busy or unanswered, complete and submit your request for assistance


Forward calls via the Self Care portal

  • In order to access the Self Care Portal, you must be on campus or using MUVPN
  1. In your Chrome browser, go to the Self Care Portal 
  2. Log in using your UniqueID and MUnet password
  3. In the Phones tab, select Call Forwarding
  4. Select the check box for the extension you would like to forward
  5. Input the phone number to which you would like to forward the calls, as if you were calling it from your desk phone
    • If the number is on campus, 5-digit phone numbers can be used: example, 9-1234
    • If the number is off campus, enter 88 before the phone number: example, 885131234567
    • forwarding calls to long distance phone numbers is not possible.
    • You can also forward all calls directly to voicemail by selecting Voicemail from the drop-down 
  6. Select Save




Article ID: 6491
Wed 6/3/15 12:36 PM
Mon 9/16/24 10:54 AM
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