Banner 9 / Error Record: Self Service



  • To identify errors in Banner 9 Self Service and provide corresponding causes and resolutions
  • To identify errors in Banner 9 that occur when attempting to access pay check, payroll information, W-2 form, tax information, or leave report


  • Miami University Staff or Faculty


  • 184204: Banner 9 Production
  • 80463: BannerWeb 8 (Self Service)
  • 1191982: Banner 9 Employee Self-Service

Error + Resolution

Error Message

  Logon denied. Please contact the system administrator.
Affected User

Banner user receives this message when attempting to log in to Banner 9 Employee Self Service


Banner user receives this message when attempting to access pay check, payroll information, W-2 form, tax information, or leave report


You are a Banner user with an Oracle account and you have an expired or locked Oracle password


You are a Banner leave approver who needs an Oracle account and GOBEACC record and you have an expired or locked Oracle password


The user may not be aware they have an Oracle account but it exists. Changing the password should resolve this issue. This password is only used with Oracle, and you should follow good password practices. It should not be made the same as any other password, including the users MUNet password.

In BannerWeb (Banner 8 Self Service), some of the vendor functionality requires the presence of an Oracle account, but since the Oracle account was never actually logged into, it did not matter if it was expired or locked - the account just had to exist. When the vendor delivered Banner 9 Self Service, there was still the need for the presence of an Oracle account for some functionality, but in this instance, it matters whether or not the Oracle account is expired or locked. Resetting your Oracle password fixes that expired/locked status.

Applied Resolution
  1. Follow this link to change your PROD Oracle password
  2. If the password utility states that "you have no Instances at this moment", does not provide PROD in the drop-down menu, or the Self Service application still gives the log on error after reset, contact ITHelp by phone at 513-529-7900 or by initiating a live chat session at to submit an incident ticket



Article ID: 147662
Tue 11/8/22 11:30 AM
Thu 11/21/24 1:04 PM
Can you resolve this issue yourself?
Yes! This is self-service with a smile.
Supported Office or Community
University Community of Students, Staff, and Faculty

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