Procedure: KM / Training prep



  • To provide instruction on preparing to deliver KM training to an individual staff member
  • To provide instruction on preparing to deliver KM training to a group 


  • Knowledge Management


  • 56345: Knowledge Management (KM)
  • 348532: Knowledge Base (KB)
  • 10374: TeamDynamix (TDX)


Prep for individual training 

  1. In the Client Portal, review and revise the training document: Training: KM / Create and maintain Knowledge content
  2. In TDNext, change the new Subject-matter Expert's (SME) security role and verify other settings 
    1. Log in to TDX
    2. Select the Admin tab
    3. In the left panel, select Users & Roles
    4. In the left panel, select Users
    5. Enter the new SME's name in the Search field
    6. From the results, select the SME's name to open the user's record
    7. In the General (Details) window, locate the Security Role field
    8. Click in the Security Role field, and select Technician/KB Subject-matter Expert & Editor from the drop-down 
    9. Click the Save button
    10. In the left panel, select Authentication
    11. Click in the Authentication Provider field and select TeamDynamix from the drop-down
    12. Click the Save button
    13. In the left panel, select Applications
    14. Locate the Client Portal application and make sure that the first checkbox is filled
      • Do not fill the second checkbox for App Admin
    15. Click in the Client Portal Security Role field, and select the appropriate option from the following:
      • For the group manager or director: Managers + KB SME & Editor, Project Requests, Projects, Services, Ticket Requests
      • For staff: Technician + KB SME & Editor, Project Requests, Projects, Services, Ticket Requests
    16. Locate the TDNext application, and fill the first checkbox
    17. Click the Save button
    18. Close the user window
    19. Return to the TDX desktop
  3. In TDNext, create a new KM currency review report for the SME
    1. From the TDX desktop, select the Tickets tab
    2. Select an existing individual currency review report
    3. Click the Actions button and select Copy from the drop-down
    4. In the Copy Report window, update the title of the report in the New Name field
      • Example: KB Currency Review (<GroupManagerName or ArticleOwnerName>/<SMEName>)
    5. Select the Copy Visibility Permissions? checkbox
    6. Click the Save button
    7. Click the View the new report link
    8. In the Describe your report field, update Owner, Owning Group, and Responsible SME or Group information, as needed
    9. Under the Add filtering to your report heading, update the values for the following filters, as necessary:
      • Owning Group
      • Owner
      • Responsible SME or Group
    10. Under the Choose a report folder heading, click in the Folder field and select the appropriate KM folder
    11. Under the Set the visibility of this report heading, click the Me and people in these Groups radio button
    12. In the resulting field, type and select the following groups: Knowledge Management, the group in which the SME works, the group in which the SME's AVP works, and any other group that should have access to the report
    13. Under the Email Delivery header, click the Add button
    14. In the Add Delivery Schedule window, change ONLY the following fields as indicated:
      1. Change the Interval field to Weekly
      2. Change the Form field to HTML
      3. Delete your name box from the the Recipient field, then type and select the SME's name
      4. CLEAR the checkbox for the option, If the report has no results, send the report anyway
      5. Click the Save button
    15. Under the Email Delivery header, click the Add button (again)
    16. In the Add Delivery Schedule window, change ONLY the following fields as indicated:
      1. Change the Interval field to Monthly
      2. Click in the on day field to select 25 from the drop-down
      3. Change the Form field to HTML
      4. Delete your name box from the the Recipient field, then type and select the names of the Group Manager or Article Owner, and the AVP
      5. CLEAR the checkbox for the option, If the report has no results, send the report anyway
      6. Click the Save button
    17. Click the Save and Run button and leave the report open
  4. In your browser, open or verify that each of the following is open in a separate tab:
  5. Add and welcome the new user to the #kb_knowbodies and #kb_style channels in Slack
    • Enter the following into the Message field:
      Welcome our freshest Subject-matter Expert, @<SlackHandle>, to the ranks of #kb_knowbodies!
  6. Open a DM to the new SME
    • Enter the following into the Message field: 
      Before our training session this afternoon, be sure to log out of TDX/KB and back in again in order to activate your new permissions as subject-matter experts. Then open the following pages, each in a separate tab:

I will ask that you let me deliver subject-matter expert training in its entirety and hold all questions until I am finished. Training itself takes approximately 30 minutes; I have included an additional 60-minute segment for your questions about the creation and maintenance of your Knowledge content.


Prep for group training

  1. In the Client Portal, review and revise the training document: Training: KM / Create and maintain Knowledge content
  2. In the Client Portal, create a group folder (category) and limit viewing permissions to the group
  3. In TDNext, change each new user's security role and verify other settings — see instructions for individual configuration, steps 1–19 
  4. In TDNext, create a new KM currency review report for the group 
    1. From the TDX desktop, select the Tickets tab
    2. Select an existing individual currency review report
    3. Click the Actions button and select Copy from the drop-down
    4. In the Copy Report window, update the title of the report in the New Name field
      • Example: KB Currency Review (<GroupManagerName or ArticleOwnerName>/<GroupName>)
    5. Select the Copy Visibility Permissions? checkbox
    6. Click the Save button
    7. Click the View the new report link
    8. In the Describe your report field, update Owner, Owning Group, and Responsible SME or Group information, as needed
    9. Under the Add filtering to your report heading, update the values for the following filters, as necessary:
      • Owning Group
      • Owner
      • Responsible SME or Group
    10. Under the Choose a report folder heading, click in the Folder field and select the appropriate KM folder
    11. Under the Set the visibility of this report heading, click the Me and people in these Groups radio button
    12. In the resulting field, type and select the following groups: Knowledge Management, the group name, the group in which the SME's AVP works, and any other group that should have access to the report
    13. Under the Email Delivery header, click the Add button
    14. In the Add Delivery Schedule window, change ONLY the following fields as indicated:
      1. Change the Interval field to Weekly
      2. Change the Form field to HTML
      3. Delete your name box from the the Recipient field, then type and select the name of each SME
      4. CLEAR the checkbox for the option, If the report has no results, send the report anyway
      5. Click the Save button
    15. Under the Email Delivery header, click the Add button (again)
    16. In the Add Delivery Schedule window, change ONLY the following fields as indicated:
      1. Change the Interval field to Monthly
      2. Click in the on day field to select 25 from the drop-down
      3. Change the Form field to HTML
      4. Delete your name box from the the Recipient field, then type and select the names of the Group Manager or Article Owner, and the AVP
      5. CLEAR the checkbox for the option, If the report has no results, send the report anyway
      6. Click the Save button
    17. Click the Save and Run button and leave the report open
  5. In your browser, open or verify that each of the following is open in a separate tab:
  6. Add and welcome each new user to the #kb_knowbodies and #kb_style channels in Slack
    • Enter the following into the Message field: ​​​​​​​
      Welcome our freshest Subject-matter Experts, @<SlackHandle>, @<SlackHandle>, and @<SlackHandle>, to the ranks of #kb_knowbodies!
  7. Open a DM to the new SME
    • Enter the following into the Message field: 
      Before our training session this afternoon, be sure to log out of TDX/KB and back in again in order to activate your new permissions as subject-matter experts. Then open the following pages, each in a separate tab:

I will ask that you let me deliver subject-matter expert training in its entirety and hold all questions until I am finished. Training itself takes approximately 30 minutes; I have included an additional 30-minute segment for your questions about the creation and maintenance of your Knowledge content.




Article ID: 111513
Thu 7/9/20 1:40 PM
Wed 1/29/25 12:32 PM
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