Canvas / Add an entity account to a site


  • To provide instruction on logging into to a Canvas site with an entity account


  • Canvas Instructor


  • 10185: Canvas
  • 908729: IAM Portal


  • You must log out of all other Miami accounts before signing in to Canvas as your entity account
  1. Open the desired Canvas course
  2. Select People
  3. Select +People
  4. Enter the full email address of the entity account
  5. Select Next
  6. Select Add users
  7. Open the entity email account and find the Canvas invitation
  8. Follow the link provided in the email to accept the course invitation and create a password
  9. Go to the guest login page for Canvas
    • Log out of all other Miami accounts before signing in to Canvas as your entity account
  10. Enter the entity account email address as the user name
  11. Enter the password you created above as the password
  12. Select Login




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Article ID: 18214
Wed 11/9/16 1:33 PM
Mon 12/4/23 9:33 AM
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