External Services Requests (Conflicts of Interest / Commitment)

All fulltime faculty and unclassified staff members are expected to devote his or her full attention and talents during the appointment period to the University. External services may in no way interfere with the performance of a person's University duties.

However, it is recognized that fulltime faculty and unclassified staff members are sometimes asked by outside agencies and industries to provide consulting and other professional services. Normally such activity is encouraged when it: contributes to the professional development of the individual; contributes an expertise not commonly available to the solution of a societal problem; or has carryover value resulting in the improvement of instructional or research programs of the University.

For fulltime faculty and unclassified administrative staff members, external services (outside consulting, professor work, or work) shall not exceed an average of one day per working week in any semester or term. Time spent on such external services must be in addition to, rather than a part of, the normal full effort expected for University work. See MUPIM 3.11 for additional information.

Miami employees are required to obtain advance approval for any external service by completing a Request to Perform External Services.

To complete this form: click "Start a Request."

Start a Request


Service ID: 54437
Fri 3/29/24 7:07 AM
Fri 3/29/24 7:52 AM