Configure AppPortal applications and desktops for macOS


Miami's AppPortal technology streams applications to your computer or device, making the application appear as if it is running from your computer or device. To use this technology on your Mac, you will need to use your web browser or install the free application Microsoft Remote Desktop from the iTunes Store.

Administrative Application Access

Please note that access to some applications requires authorization, such as enrollment in a course, or membership in departmental groups. The following list implies the parameters which provide network access and not authorization to use the applications necessarily

  • Native Banner
    • Availability: Wired professional networks, AdminVPN with special access
  • Kronos
    • Availability: Wired professional networks only


​​​​​Accessing Miami’s AppPortal through your web browser:

  1. Open the Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Firefox web browser. (Safari is not recommended due to poor performance)
  2. Navigate to
  3. Enter your Miami login credentials as follows: Enter IT\ followed by your Miami UniqueID. For example, if your UniqueID is doejd2 you would enter IT\doejd2.
  4. Enter your MUnet password and then click Sign In.
  5. Double click on the AppPortal App/Desktop to access
  6. If prompted allow access to local resources as desired
    • If clipboard is not selected, you will be unable to copy and paste between your computer and the AppPortal App/Desktop
  7. DUO is required when launching an APP/Desktop
    • For an application:
      • If you receive DUO pushes, approve the DUO response on your device
      • If you enter a passcode for DUO, click Show Details when available and enter your passcode
    • For a desktop:
      • If you receive DUO pushes, approve the DUO response on your device when DUO appears
      • If you enter a passcode for DUO, enter your passcode when DUO appears

Note: Certain AppPortal Resources are not currently available through the web client due to additional security requirements. If the resources you need to access are not available from the web client, you must instead access them using the Microsoft Remote Desktop application. These specific applications will also require you to be either on-campus or connected to VPN to access them

Accessing Miami’s AppPortal through the Microsoft Remote Desktop App:

  1. Click the Download and Install button on this page to access the Microsoft Remote Desktop App in the Mac App Store. Follow the directions to download and install the app.
  2. Launch Microsoft Remote Desktop
  3. Click the plus-symbol (+) Select Workspace
  4. Enter in the Email or workspace URL box
    • If copying this URL, be sure there are no spaces at the end when you paste this text
  5. Click the drop-down next to User Account and select Add User Account
    • ​​​​Enter IT\<your Miami UniqueID>  (ex: IT\smithx99)
    • Enter your MUnet password 
  6. Click Add to complete Add a User
  7. Click Add to complete Add Workspace
  8. Choose from the list of applications and desktops that have been provisioned for your account 
  9. Double-click the application or desktop to connect
  10. DUO is required when launching an APP/Desktop
    • For an application:
      • If you receive DUO pushes, approve the DUO response on your device when DUO appears
      • If you enter a passcode for DUO, enter your passcode when DUO appears
    • For a desktop:
      • If you receive DUO pushes, approve the DUO response on your device when DUO appears
      • If you enter a passcode for DUO, enter your passcode when DUO appears


  • Effective in v10.3.4 of Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 10/29/2019
    • "Feeds" are now referred to as "Workspaces", and "Desktops" as "PCs"
Download and Install

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