

Educators and students turn to Screencast-O-Matic for easy video communication. Videos are used in the classroom for flipped/blended learning, Video Messaging, student assignments, feedback and more!

Capabilities, Benefits, and Key Features

  • Screen capture
  • Video and image editing
  • Content hosting and management
  • Stock media
  • Secure backup
  • Admin

Limitations / Technology Requirements

Only one user per account can access the account, but it can be used on multiple devices for each user.

What can I expect?

  • Support Tier: Tier 3 - Divisional/Departmental Support: Miami IT resources exist to support the faculty within their respective academic divisions. In most cases, individual users who contact IT Help receive best effort support. If unsuccesful, they would refer the use to contact the instructor of their course. Instructors seeking support for unresolved issues would be escalated to their divisional IT team.

  • Acquisition Model: Registration: Online user account is used to login to the application each time of use, frequently using Miami's Identity and Access single-sign on capability with your Miami UniqueID and password. 
  • Licensing Model: Registered User License: The license is included with online registration.

  • Authentication ModelIndependent Registration: The user is required to create an account individually with the application vendor.

Who may use it?

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students

How do I get started?

Sign up for an account at

Is there a charge to me or my department?

There are a variety of plans and price points. There is a free option, and the more services the plan offers the higher the cost.