

PrusaSlicer is an open-source, feature-rich, frequently updated tool that contains everything you need to export the perfect print files for your Original Prusa 3D printer.

Capabilities, Benefits, and Key Features

PrusaSlicer supports the processing of the generated G-code with an external post-processor for a long time.

Limitations / Technology Requirements

PrusaSlicer is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and builds for ARM devices and Chromebooks.

What can I expect?

  • Support Tier: Tier 2 - Sponsor Support: If students were to contact IT Help, they refer the user to an individual sponsor, typically an instructor of a given course. The sponsor would work directly with the vendor on any unresolved issues. 

  • Acquisition Model: Direct Download: Software is downloaded to a local computer and installed to run from that specific device.

  • Licensing Model: Local user license: The license is included with the initial installation. In rare cases, a local license file may need updated periodically to contiue to use the application. Check the entry for that specific application for instructions to do so.

  • Authentication Model: None: No authentication is required after the application is acquired.

Who may use it?

How do I get started?

You can download PrusaSlicer here.

Is there a charge to me or my department?

PrusaSlicer is free and open-source.