Geocode by Awesome Table


Geocode by Awesome Table is a map tool that helps you get latitudes and longitudes from addresses in a Google Sheet and display them on a Google map you can share.

Capabilities, Benefits, and Key Features

  • Convert multiple addresses into Maps coordinates - longitudes and latitudes - at once
  • See and edit all your Google Sheets spreadsheets with new columns for the longitudes and latitudes
  • Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications
  • Connect to an external service
  • Allow this application to run when you are not present
  • See your primary Google Account email address
  • See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available

Limitations / Technology Requirements

Geocode works with Google Sheet.

What can I expect?

  • Support Tier: Tier 2 - Sponsor Support: If students were to contact IT Help, they refer the user to an individual sponsor, typically an instructor of a given course. The sponsor would work directly with the vendor on any unresolved issues.

  • Acquisition Model: Registration: Online user account is used to login to the application each time of use, frequently using Miami's Identity and Access single-sign on capability with your Miami UniqueID and password. 

  • Licensing Model: Registered User License: The license is included with online registration.

  • Authentication Model: GSuite or Azure: Application allows for users to login using a federated login to Google or MS Azure. If using your Miami account,,  on these services, the login is subject to the same requirements as though you logged into those services directly. In many cases, it is possible to use a personal Google or Microsoft account that is unrelated to your Miami account. 

Who may use it?

Miami University faculties, students, and staff.

How do I get started?

  • Visit this link and click "Install" to add Geocode to your Google's account add-ons list
  • Create a Google Spreadsheet (or reuse one of your existing ones)
  • Add physical addresses and other info
  • Use the spreadsheet menu Add-on > Geocode
  • Indicate the column containing your addresses 
  • Click on the button to start the geocoding
  • That’s all! Once the geocoding is done, you will see two more columns in your spreadsheet (for latitude and longitude data) and a link to the Maps view created.

Is there a charge to me or my department?

There is no cost for this application.