myMiami / Error Record



  • To identify errors in myMiami and provide corresponding causes and resolutions


  • Miami University Staff, Faculty, Student


  • 1097993: myMiami

Error + Resolution

Error Message

  Account does not exist
Affected User / Action New Miami University staff, faculty, or student receives this message when attempting to access myMiami (Miami Account) for the first time
Cause Sometimes, there is a short delay in the creation of your myMiami account when your new Miami University account is created
Applied Resolution
  • Wait a few hours and trying to log in again
  • If you continue to experience this issue, contact IT Help at 513-529-7900 for assistance
Associated Procedure Resolution (IT Help)

Error Message

  You have an immunization hold on your account
Affected User / Action Miami University staff or faculty receives this message in myMiami
Cause A bug in the current immunization hold process is occasionally applying immunization holds to faculty and staff members
Applied Resolution Contact Student Health Services at 513-529-3000 to have the hold removed

(Known) Error Message

  Student contact information required
Affected User / Action Miami University student receives this message and is redirected to the login page when attempting to access myMiami
Cause A known error in myMiami occasionally causes repeated prompts to change student contact information
Applied Resolution
  1. Contact IT Help at 513-529-7900 for assistance
  2. Provide the following information:
    • Explain that you are being repeated prompted for your contact information 
Associated Procedure Resolution (SolDel)

(Known) Error Message

  Whitelabel error
Affected User / Action Miami user receives this message after signing in with the “Sign in, (name)” function
Cause A known error in the OneCampus code that results when users try to log in if they’re already authenticated to Miami services
Applied Resolution Clear your cache, cookies, and history and try to log in again. If that does not work, please contact IT Help at 513-529-7900 or
Associated Procedure Browser / Clear cookies, cache, and history on computer

(Known) Error Message


The page is not valid after clicking on a bookmark
CAS does not know the target destination
(reaches a blank page after Duo authentication)

Affected User / Action Miami user receives an error when clicking on a bookmark to myMiami
Cause Any bookmark that pointed to the old myMiami will now not work since we shifted domains to the new portal
Applied Resolution Change your bookmark to In some cases, you may need to delete the bookmark and add it again



Article ID: 71815
Mon 2/11/19 4:06 PM
Thu 1/16/25 9:23 AM
Can you resolve this issue yourself?
Yes! This is self-service with a smile.