Qualtrics / Troubleshoot student permissions to manage a survey



  • To provide troubleshooting tips to restore student permissions to edit and distribute a survey in Qualtrics


  • 10335: Qualtrics


  • You may be using a cached Qualtrics page that displays only your previous permissions
  • Your account may need to be edited


  1. Ask your supervisor or administrator to confirm that your permissions were added
  2. Follow these KB instructions to clear the browsing data for your web browser
  3. Restart your browser
  4. Log in to Miami University's Qualtrics portal
  5. If you are still missing permissions, contact IT Help directly by calling 513-529-7900 or initiating a live chat session at MiamiOH.edu/ITChat
  6. Provide the following information:
    • Your UniqueID
    • Name of survey
    • Permissions missing from survey
    • Name of your supervisor/manager/admin

