Messenger Pigeon / Set-up and create a session



  • To provide instruction on setting up and creating a session in Habitat Learn's Messenger Pigeon note-taking and transcription app


  • Formerly known as Note Taking Express (NTE), Habitat Learn's Messenger Pigeon is a note-taking study app that generates transcripts and notes. The app also features a study assistant that helps students engage with study materials



  • 1480537: Messenger Pigeon


Account set-up

  • If you’re a new Messenger Pigeon user, you should have received an email to get your account set up. You will be asked to set a password so you can log in to the application


Download the mobile or desktop app

  • Messenger Pigeon can be used on your mobile phone, as a desktop application, or from an Internet browser. The desktop and web versions are identical
  1. To log in to Messenger Pigeon, open an Internet browser, navigate to Messenger Pigeon and click the Login button on the top-right
  2. Click Download App and choose the option you want


Create a new session

  1. Click the plus​​button — a New Session pop-up box will appear
  2. Enter a name for the session
  3. To start recording audio, click the Record button



  • While your audio is being recorded, you can click the bookmark  icon on the top bar to bookmark that section of the audio to revisit later
  • Click the notebook icon at the bottom-left of the screen, if you want to write your own notes while your audio is being recorded. The text will be saved as part of your session
  • Once you’re done, you can save the session by clicking the checkmark on the top bar. If you’d like to delete the session, click the trash can icon


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Article ID: 161529
Tue 9/10/24 10:11 AM
Thu 2/20/25 11:31 AM
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