Procedure: TDX / Currency review for end user device assets that have not checked in



  • The report End User Devices Not Checking In >5 months will be provided to Owning Account Departments and is also provided on the Asset dashboards. The report shows devices that have a status of In Use, meaning the device is operational and actively in use, but has not checked in to the source management system, such as MECM or JAMF, in at least 5 months. As a result, we need a human to investigate why the device is not under active management to receive patches and to ensure it is still in possession of a University person


  • Academic Directors of Technology (ADOTs)
  • Technology Support Services


  • 10374: TeamDynamix


  1. Open the report of TDX devices owned by your department that have not synced with a source system in over 5 months. These reports are emailed to the following team managers monthly but are also available here
    1. CAS
    2. CCA
    3. CEC
    4. EHS
    5. EMSS
    6. FSB
    7. FBS
    8. ULB
    9. Regional IT
    10. Student Life
    11. TSS
    12. UIT
  2. Review each device on the list
  3. If the device has been recycled:
    1. Click Update button and review the device details
      1. Set Status to one of the following
        • Disposed — Device has been sent to recycling or otherwise discarded permanently
        • RMA — Device has been returned to a vendor for replacement
        • Donated — Device has been donated to F5 or similar program.  
      2. Add any Comments about what you know of the device's disposal
    2. Click Save
  4. If the device is still in possession of someone and has not been sent for recycling:
    1. Click the Update button and review the device details
      1. Form: Should be University End User Device or Learning Space Component
      2. Status: Choose from the following:
        • In Use — Device is actively in use
        • Inventory (optional) — Device is for future return or retirement
        • Disposed — Device has been sent to recycling or otherwise discarded permanently
        • RMA — Device has been returned to a vendor for replacement
        • Donated — Device has been donated to F5 or similar program.  
      3. If the record needs to remain 'In Use' continue updating the using the below steps
      4. Last Reviewed: Today's date
      5. Owner: The person in possession of the device or accountable for its whereabouts. If it's a shared computer or used in lab you may put down, specifiy the person who manages that lab or shared space
      6. Device use Case: How is this device primarily used. If none of the options apply, select "Other" so that someone can reach out and discuss options to add
      7. Last Reviewed by: UniqueID of the person who reviewed
      8. Comments: If you want to note anything specific about this device, such as its a spare computer in a closet.
    2. Click Save - Go to the next on the list



  • Devices that have not been seen by a source management system, such as MECM or JAMF, within 5 months AND have not been reviewed by a person within 12 months will automatically set to Missing status




Article ID: 155911
Wed 12/6/23 4:57 PM
Wed 10/2/24 3:22 PM
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