Canvas / Student submission using My Media



  • To provide instruction on submitting a media file from My Media (Kaltura)


  • Canvas Student


  • 10185: Canvas


  1. In the Canvas course, click on My Media
  2. Click Add New (the students may need to download the Kaltura app). If the app install is required then the student will need to click on My Media and Add New again to get to their media list
  3. Click the Add New button in the upper-right corner
  4. Click Media Upload
  5. Drag and drop or locate the file to add it to My Media
  6. Go to the Assignment and click the Start Assignment button
  7. In the Rich Content Editor (the big white box on the screen), click the plug-in icon on the toolbar
  8. Locate and click on Embed Kaltura Media
  9. Click the Embed button next to the media that the student needs to submit (the media will appear in the box). Repeat this process for each video to submit - it is best to click Enter/Return to put a line between each video
  10. After all media has been added, click Submit Assignment






Article ID: 152993
Thu 7/20/23 10:13 AM
Thu 6/6/24 12:34 PM
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