Student Health Insurance Waiver / Access the option to waive insurance


  • To provide instruction on accessing the option to waive student health insurance when:
    • The Student Health Insurance Waiver Page where you entered your Unique ID and birth date doesn't mention the option to waive. It only talks about insurance plan options. What should you do if you want to waive the insurance?


  • Student Health & Wellness
  • 10368: Student Aetna Health Insurance
    • Insurance Waiver


  • The option to waive is not available until after you start the selection process


  1. Navigate to the Student Health Services insurance page and follow the instructions to enroll or waive student health insurance
  2. Choose International or Domestic, as applicable
  3. Enter your UniqueID
  4. Enter your birth date
  5. Click Get Started
    • You will now be able to choose the option to waive the health insurance or pick an insurance plan